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10X Designer

Jan 28, 2022, 10 tweets

Tutorial thread time! 🧵
Learn how to create posters like this with @figma in a few easy steps.
Let’s dive in👇

Create a new canvas, select a soft bg color and add your personal branding, so you don’t have to make space for it later on in the process.

Generate a duotone gradient with one of the cool mesh gradient plugins in the @figma community, try them out and see which one is best for you! I ended up with this result:

Split the image up using a mask and give it some corner radius in one of the top corners

Add you text in the open space. Looking for inspiration? Check out song lyrics!

Be creative with the type, in both placement and size. I used the @velvetype Minipax font (Free!)

Add small visual elements to give your composition some more detail.

Now add some more small visual elements, but this time on top of the generated image — make sure to use your background color for this!

Now we’re getting somewhere! Grab the pen tool and create some random shapes that go over the edge of your artboard. Choose a new color for this so it adds some contrast in your composition.

Go to effects and blur the new shapes — be generous with the amount!

Here comes the magic ✨
Add a new layer that fills the entire artboard, choose a vibrant color and set the blend mode to saturation.

Tip: if you don’t like the look, just play around with the color until you find the one that “clicks”!

Add some noise and you’re done!

If you liked this tutorial thread, please retweet it, so others can learn from it as well! 👊✨

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