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Jan 28, 2022, 29 tweets

Why not, let's take a look at some of the plays from Purdue's road victory over Iowa #BoilerUp

Although Gillis did not have a great game, he makes a great read here. He could have taken the 3 and no one would have been mad at all. Instead he passes up a good look for a great look inside with Edey who had about a 7 inch height advantage

A great set by Purdue here. With Edey screening for Gillis who cuts to the rim, Sasha's man has to take a step towards help side. As he is moving away from Sasha, Sasha is coming off the Edey screen to be wide open

Solid defense (ignoring the allowed OReb) that is set up by the initial Thompson help. Nobody is on McCaffery, and Thompson stunts which turns into him taking the man. Gillis recovers to the corner

Sasha eventually gets beat backdoor but there is lots of help there

Yes this was a miss, but look at Sasha. His man is digging at the ball, so he cuts to the corner and was wide open. His man loses Sasha honestly

A lot of post-ups Sasha is not on the side with the ball. I think it could lead to a lot of good shots if he was more like here

First Tre post up and look at the separation he gets with his last dribble. Tough to guard when Tre does that

Look at Furst's screen on Sasha. Not entirely sure what Iowa was doing, but it seemed like there was a switch between Murray and McCaffery. Furst recognized this and really screened 2 people

Also it is funny looking at the Iowa bench before and after the shot

Tre is a great passer, the best big man passer in the country. With that said, I was surprised he didn't try to back his man down, given he had such a size advantage

Great help by Tre to try and contest the layup in transition

This was the second over the back call Sasha was able to get on Iowa already in this game

This was a great shot by Thompson. The ability to gather in that pass and still quickly shoot on balance was impressive

This is where Iowa is so good. Murray is able to be half of the Purdue team down the floor, which made it difficult to matchup with. Tre has to go from one end of the court to the other to try and contest the shot, but was late. Someone needed to recognize this and help early

Jaden Ivey is apparently really good at this basketball thing

I do like that Purdue has incorporated setting a few more pick and rolls for Ivey, especially in transition like here

Edey uses his length to contest, but there was no reason for the soft switch between Morton and Edey. Morton should recognize he is guarding a mobile big, so he needs to be on him instead of switching with Edey

These are the types of shots Purdue can live with off of PnR. Most ball handlers are going to snake the screen against Edey's drop. Edey is able to still somewhat contest while Hunter recovers, forcing a tougher mid range pull up (a shot that most college players shoot poorly)

Not so good PnR coverage. Sasha never fully commits to getting back to his man, so him and Edey get caught between going back and both staying. This cleared the runway for Murray to go. Sasha is going to be targeted in PnR, he is going to have to get through screens

Good read here by Ivey on the move

I liked Tre's patience here, allowing room to be created since he already had such deep post positioning

Would absolutely love seeing Hunter get back to bein a second or third shot creator on the floor when he needs to like here. He has the skills for it, and seems to finally be putting it together again

I feel like I'm saying this every game now but Edey is so good now understanding the right reads and making the correct decisions right away

A miss but I love this play and how simple it is against the zone. Gillis who is a great shooter is in the corner and the low man is on him. Sasha replaces Hunter as he drives away, so now it is the low man's job to cover Sasha but he is late

Seemed like this was available everytime Purdue was able to hit the man in the middle, especially when Iowa was playing a more aggressive press

Haven't seen this play in a few games, but I love it. Iowa was playing more aggressive, and Murray was cheating early. Good lob by Sasha and finish by Tre

Huge shot here by Ivey that killed some Iowa momentum. His man has to help towards Edey who had his man pinned, giving Ivey enough time to get the shot off

Tough for Edey to get back. He needed to get to the block and send Hunter out to the corner here

The best thing about Thompson is he will always be confident in his shot. Here he just casually pulls up from 3

Also, I think Purdue scored almost every time that the camera went wide like this to show the crowd was into it

Splash! @EthanTruther25

Love when Tre does not force the pass and just takes what the defense gives him. This pass was exactly where Ethan had his hands

Good help side and recovery from Purdue this play. Got put into rotation but was able to get back. Like seeing this energy from Purdue

A tough shot, but it was Thompson's night. If one or both of Thompson and Hunter have nights where they can create, Purdue becomes so much tougher to guard

Miscommunication between Ethan and Tre allow the open shot. It is not perfect, but the communication on defense seems to have become WAY better over the last few weeks

Sasha - known brick wall screen setter

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