N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Jan 28, 2022, 7 tweets

Pro-Kremlin mouthpieces like @JackPosobiec & Tucker Carlson really want a copy of the transcript detailing a call between President Joe Biden & Ukrainian President Zelensky. Wonder why they would push something like #ReleaseTheTranscript given the current National security risks?

The pro-Kremlin mouthpieces are trying really hard to push the narrative that we and NATO are going to invade Russia and its not working for them. They seem a little mad about that.

😂😂😂 ... so after being called out for using the Russian vernacular like "The Ukraine" or "Kiev", the Russian pronunciation, they are trying this tactic? Its not "The Ukraine" its just Ukraine & the capitol is Kyiv. The Russian propaganda really is scattered & a mess right now.

So you have the tried and true ... "Ukrainian Nazis" propaganda .. the "NATO is the real enemy and preparing to invade Russia" or Ukraine really wants to be part of Russia again but America won't let them ... cmon Putin pick a lane.

And of course we can't forget about TFG's children.

On the other hand ... the GOP and far-right here in our own country seem to be in sync and on-message .... sadly.

Wow Hans just can't let go of the failed Hunter Biden propaganda operation from 2020 pre-election.

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