Akram Noor Profile picture
🇲🇾x🇬🇧 Majoring in Real Estate. University of Sheffield. 👨🏻‍💻Gamuda Scholar 2022

Jan 29, 2022, 11 tweets

My brother’s an Interior Designer & he never had a residential design yg betul-betul jadi real. Tangible. He’s specialised in kitchen & F&B design.

So my dad basically gave him the house to treat it as his canvas. Thats how supportive my parent is.

Now its a “living” showroom.

The themes are simple, modern English, CHEAP 🤣

Inspired by Skin House SS2, PJ.

Im making this thread bcs im SUPER proud that its a family project & everyone was involved.

Design produced by my eldest bro.
Execution & diy by my dad.
Costing & surveying supplies by my mom.
Painting by my second bro.
Runner, my youngest bro.
Me, surveying supplies & assembling shoppee’s furniture.

And yes, we have our own fav contractor who managed all the big stuff


Since we’re a family of Bob The Builder, imma show you the snippet of the process & experience ✊🏻☺️❤️

My dad was using his industrial spec Air Compressor Pump to spray-paint black our main door. Katanya terlebih letak solvent, thus the texture tkdpt matte sgt. Nampak glossy.

After hours of layering 😪

Finally dapat texture seakan gloss-matte supaya sama dengan texture powder coating Main Gate.

I tolong letak wood filler & guna sandpaper ya. Teringat zmn belajar kemahiran hidup eh

Me assembling Lazada’s shoe cabinet :

Menggantikan shoebox plastic yg dah roboh kat tepi tu. Shoebox yg beli sbb follow @zhantafa 2 tahun lepas 🤣

Mana yang kita boleh buat sendiri tu, kita buatlah kan. Maklumlah sebab kedekut, nak cari duit susah kan.

External wall dah almost 15 tahun berkerak dah. Kenalah buang layer epidermis dia eh.

Terima kasih sebab sudi tgk thread ni! Before this kami ada remodel bathroom simple-simple je. Duit tak banyak.

Barang rumah sumpah mahal.

Aku sebenarnya otw buat banyak video untuk bg tips & tricks tentang property. Hopefully dapatlah korg support dgn subscribe & tgk video aku ya. Thanks!

Benda yg aku belajar, semua aku apply sbb interesting sgt 🤯

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