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Sole beneficiary of the John Warosa Legacy Fund.

Jan 29, 2022, 10 tweets


1) We need to talk about #JoniMitchell & @Spotify . I believe this is big pharma attack on @joerogan & she is the proxy.

Mitchell's catalog is owned by Reservoir Media, who is funded by Roth Capitol...who has extensive investment in Covid Therapeutics.

Lets get dirty

2) @joerogan has repeatedly had guests that advocate for cheap, off-patent treatments for the virus. Meanwhile, Roth Capitol investments has been investing and developing with their partners


Their entire angle is focusing on therapeutics over vaccines

3) In their earnings call, Reservoir Media (who owns Joni Mitchell's catalog) takes questions regarding their growth

The first question comes from Richard Baldry of Roth Capitol. Its directed to the Jim Heindlmeyer (CFO), who was with Roth 4 mos earlier


4) Check any news wire services and you'll see the list of biotech companies participating in Roth Capitol's Healthcare event "COVID-19 Therapeutics in Development"


5) Now we are getting somewhere. Roth Capitol Partners is involved in Ocugen/COVAXIN


And they were shooting for authorization


And then lets bring it back...

6) Let me circle back

Roth Capitol is heavily invested in therapeutics. Theyre new, expensive, and a lot of money has been spent to get it to market

Joe Rogan has insane ratings and he keeps talking about cheap drugs that compete with the ones Roth has invested in.


7) Roth Capitol may very well be using their the companies they have influence over to silence Joe Rogan/Spotify

Take a look at what Reservoir Media has obtained rights to and its astounding. They have the ability ot great financial harm to Rogan and Spotify

8) But wait theres more, theres always more

Reservoir Media is run by Golnar Khosrowshahi. It should be noted that her familial empire includes the pharmaceutical royalty industry.


9) Heres the Bloomberg list of all of Roth Capitol's partners. It runs the gambit of media and tech. If anyone is positioned to knock Rogan out, this may be them


10) In conclusion, having Joni Mitchell pull her library from @Spotify has nothing to do with solidarity with Neil Young.

Its financial warfare. Spotify may have legal recourse here. Had #JoniMitchell had control over her library, this would be different

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