Dr Dan Goyal Profile picture
NHS Medical Consultant. Health Policy Editor @BylineScotland. Everyone deserves access to decent healthcare.

Jan 29, 2022, 12 tweets

New Zealand have spent the majority of the last two years under less restrictions than the UK currently has in place (yes including freedom day!).

And here is Japan (for those arguing size, density, travel hub, etc…)

And here is somewhere closer to home….

And finally here is Singapore, who actually base their Covid guidelines on the British Pneumonia guideline…

And yet they have had less Covid deaths…

A lot less, > 10 times less

No or even less excess all-cause deaths

And the UK’s economy didn’t fair any better than our freedoms

And all our freedoms and all the deaths didn’t manage to save our economy….

Time to admit:
This Government took our money, our freedoms, and still let Covid ravage our country…killing >100k, disabling many more, buckling our health service and shafting our economy.

No doubt Covid did the direct damage, but it neither had to nor did it have to cause the mounting indirect damage.

It was Johnson’s Government backed by a party simply not up to the task of governing when the nation needed it most.

And it’s not over yet!

Time to own it:
This Government took our money, our freedoms, and still let Covid ravage our country…killing >100k, disabling many more, buckling our health service and shafting our economy.

No doubt Covid did the direct damage, but it neither had to nor did it have to cause the mounting indirect damage.

It was Johnson’s Government backed by a party simply not up to the task of governing when the nation needed it most.

And it’s not over yet!

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