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Jan 29, 2022, 21 tweets

It's World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day!
Chagas disease
River blindness
Sleeping sickness
& other neglected tropical diseases affect 1 BILLION people 🌍!

Neglected tropical diseases are:
1️⃣Responsible for thousands of preventable deaths
2️⃣Found in🌍's poorest regions
3️⃣Caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi & toxins
4️⃣Associated with stigma & social exclusion
5️⃣43 countries eliminated at least 1 of these diseases


It's World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day! DYK:

🔺River blindness
🔺Intestinal worm infections

are treatable & preventable when detected early! Delay in seeking treatment & care can result in life-long disability & death. Let's #BeatNTDs!

It's World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day!

💧Clean water
🥬 Safe and hygienic food handling
🧼 Good personal hygiene

can prevent many neglected tropical diseases.

Let's #BeatNTDs! 👉

Chagas disease
River blindness
are spread by 🐛, 🦟, 🪰.

Spraying insecticides, eliminating standing water, using bed nets, access to treatment can prevent these.

Let's #BeatNTDs! 👉

It's World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day!

Reducing deforestation, unplanned housing, overcrowding can prevent:
🔺Chagas disease

Let's #BeatNTDs!

Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection causing flu-like illness that may develop into severe dengue and cause lethal complications.

In this picture: “Fogging” to prevent dengue and other diseases transmitted by 🦟 in Bali, #Indonesia.

Let's #BeatNTDs!

Leprosy is a chronic but curable disease caused by infection mainly of the skin, peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract & eyes

In this picture: A newly diagnosed leprosy patient is shown how to use his multidrug therapy in 🇮🇳. #BeatNTDs

Dracunculiasis (commonly known as Guinea worm disease) is a crippling parasitic disease. It is transmitted exclusively when people drink water contaminated with parasite-infected water fleas. 👉 #BeatNTDs

Soil-transmitted helminthiases infections are among the most common infections 🌍 and affect the poorest and most deprived communities.
They are transmitted by eggs present in human faeces which in turn contaminate soil in areas where sanitation is poor. 👉

Lymphatic filariasis infection, commonly known as elephantiasis, occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. 👉 #BeatNTDs

Human African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is a vector-borne parasitic disease.

In this photo: A mobile team of national health workers performing systematic screening of population for human sleeping sickness in Bodo village, #Chad.

Trachoma the leading cause of infectious blindness in the world. It is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. The disease is transmitted through contact with eye and nose discharge of infected people, particularly young children 👉 #BeatNTDs

Taeniasis or cysticercosis is an infection caused by adult tapeworms in human intestines – can be the result of eating undercooked pork. 👉

In this photo: Farmer transporting a pig in rural #Cambodia. #BeatNTDs

Buruli ulcer is a debilitating mycobacterial skin infection causing severe destruction of the skin, bone and soft tissue. Early detection of Buruli ulcer disease is crucial to prevent complications and surgery. 👉 #BeatNTDs

Chagas disease is a life-threatening illness transmitted to humans through contact with vector insects (triatomine bugs known as ‘kissing bugs’), ingestion of contaminated food, infected blood transfusions, congenital transmission, organ transplantation or laboratory accidents.

Foodborne trematodiases: People become infected through the consumption of raw fish, crustaceans or vegetables that harbour the parasite larvae 👉 #BeatNTDs

In this photo: Man cleaning fish in Thanh Hóa province, #VietNam

Visceral leishmaniasis, also known as kala-azar, is transmitted through the bites of infected female sandflies.

It causes irregular bouts of fever, substantial weight loss, swelling of the spleen and liver and anaemia. If untreated, fatality rate can be high. #BeatNCDs

Onchocerciasis – or “river blindness” – is a parasitic disease caused by a filarial worm transmitted by repeated bites of infected blackflies 👉 #BeatNTDs

Yaws is a neglected tropical disease that affects the skin, bone & cartilage and can cause chronic disfigurement and disability.👉

In this photo: Health care worker preparing medication in a yaws treatment campaign in West Akim district, #Ghana. #BeatNTDs

Schistosomiasis is an acute and chronic parasitic disease caused by blood flukes (trematode worms). Schistosomiasis causes anaemia, stunting and reduces children’s ability to learn.

👉 #BeatNTDs

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