Mark Pitcavage Profile picture
Senior Research Fellow, ADL Center on Extremism. Historian, long-time expert on right-wing extremism. Long-lost scion of Sidney Greenstreet. My own views only.

Jan 30, 2022, 24 tweets

Time for yet another Show and Tell thread about sovereign citizens. In these threads I show artifacts and ideas from this unusual movement, along with some explanation and context, and maybe a bit of snark.

Okay, let's get going!

The above ID card has several postal hallmarks of sovereign citizen, including "zipcode exempt," "near 78767," "general delivery," & "Texas Republic."

Below we see documents a sovereign is preparing to mail. I am half convinced sovereigns are the ones keeping the USPS running.

Sovereign citizen license plates are always fascinating--one could collect these as a hobby and never run out of variations.

As I've mentioned before, some are designed a lot like real license plates, and are intended to pass as legit, but most are far more "in your face."

Sovereign citizens do not always call themselves that; in fact, sometimes they deny they are sovereigns. They have a lot of names for themselves. One that has picked up in popularity in recent years is "American State National."

Some more "American State National" sovereign citizen stuff.

The largest U.S. variant within the sovereign citizen movement--a variant now appearing in some other countries--is the "Moorish sovereign citizen" variant.

For a good 25 years at least, the Hawaiian independence movement has been rife with sovereign citizens.

Of course, by now, the sovereign citizen movement has spread across much of the world. Australia has one of the most active sovereign citizen movements, which has exploited paranoia over vaccines and covid countermeasures. This group is the Gumbaynggirr Government.

The Gumbaynggir group provides here a great example of sovereign citizen logical argument:

One sovereign citizen group, at least, has been started in Jamaica, the Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation.

There's one group in the Philippines that had seeming sovereign citizen hallmarks, but I wasn't quite sure.

But it was this story, about one of them getting in trouble while in Singapore, that seems to confirm there's at least a sovereign influence here. This guy's not the first sovereign to get in trouble in Singapore.…

I've talked before about "sovereign citizen doublespeak," which is when a sovereign deliberately chooses the wrong meaning for a word with two meanings, or applies unusual homonyms, like "currency" = "current + sea." Here are some great examples.

One Moorish sovereign citizen group has recently created its own currency, the "dollarium," which it *claims* is gold-backed. Given that it has denominations in the billions, you may draw your own conclusions.

You may have noticed the unusual spelling in the above items. That is a bizarre hallmark of one particular group, the Moorishe Nationall Reepublic Federall Governmente. They seem to think it is "Annciente Ennglishe."

The "Purple Thumb Community" is a New Zealand sovereign citizen group. It was started by a follower of deceased American sovereign guru David Wynn Miller. Note it asking for an "energy exchange donation," i.e., $$$.

New Zealand has had sovereign citizens for quite some time. Some Maoris are sovereigns.

Sovereign citizens enjoy creating charts to illustrate the difference between their status and those of others, or of their system of laws vs. the illegitimate system.

The way sovereigns get their ideas is pretty simple. One sovereign, somewhere, simply makes something up. If it is interesting, other sovereign citizens will copy it. Eventually it becomes "fact" to sovereigns. One example is the sovereign citizen version of the American flag.

Sovereign citizens like to create fake government agencies, including fake law enforcement agencies. One recent creation are the "Continental Marshals." Recently they've expanded to "Intercontinental Marshals." The Moorish Empire even has a "Secret Service."

Because sovereign citizens began in the US, when sovereigns get going in other countries, they borrow a lot from the US, including references to the Uniform Commercial Code, as in this Panamanian example.

One very old sovereign citizen tradition is creating bogus vigilante courts called "common law courts." Sovereign citizens in Great Britain and Australia have recently discovered this. Also included here is a U.S. "common law grand jury" document.

I'll end with this: a sovereign selling "Baby Deeds," which are to be used instead of using a birth certificate..

That's it. Until the next time, may the UCC be with you.

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