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Jan 30, 2022, 7 tweets

CW: Multiple clips of Joe Rogan saying the N-word.

This is who the right is defending.

Joe Rogan on hoping to see Planet of the Apes in a “good neighborhood:”

“We walked in to Planet of the Apes. We walked into Africa, dude. We walked in the door and there was no white people.”

Joe Rogan to a guest who said he has a Black dad and a white mom:

“Powerful combination genetic wise. Right? You get the body of the Black man and then you get the mind of the white man altogether in some strange combination.”

“Black people” have “a different brain.”

Joe Rogan defending a guy who taught a dog to do the Nazi salute:

“It is very cute that he taught the dog to do that.”

“No Jews got gassed during the making of that video.”

Joe Rogan defending someone who got fired for tweeting, “Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!:”

“It’s a good joke.”

“It’s not real racism. It’s a joke.”

Thread: Joe Rogan defends the N-words, uses several slurs, urges a guest to say it…

This one was so bad, it got a sensitive content label.

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