Carole Cadwalladr Profile picture
Late adopter. Late giver-upper. Guardian & Observer writer.

Jan 30, 2022, 9 tweets

This is Hannah. My amazing, beautiful, STRONG stepdaughter.

I’ve taken on power. And what’s happened to me is result of that choice. But for some women - like Hannah - there’s no choice. This 🧵= little bit of how she was targeted, hacked, stalked. And came back stronger.

Hannah was harassed over months & years. The Met police refused to take seriously. Refused to investigate. They finally did when they appeared to acknowledged there was a risk to life. Her stalker was stopped & detained at Heathrow. And then let go.

In 2018, Hannah learned that her friend from school, Alice Ruggles, had also been stalked. She’d also reported it to the police. She’d also not been believed. And then she was murdered.

What happened to Alice Ruggles is so horrific it almost led to a change in the law. @thedalstonyears helped lead a national campaign to protect women from stalkers. It failed. Everything failed.

This is gorgeous Hannah. Who I’ve been lucky enough to know since she was 7. Who has been harassed & stalked & abused for most of her adult life. And who’s had no recourse to justice or relief.

This is not ok. And here is Hannah so very very STRONG.

I wanted to tell this story, because Hannah had to be her own cavalry. And she was. She came through it partly by channelling this experience into her work. These are the rings I wore in court. All made by her. She’s a jewellery designer - & founded & created Jean London.

Her first line was Hannah May London - which included the ‘dainty’ (her words) circle on right which I wore when I gave my TED talk. But post-stalker, she created Jean & now she makes these amazing ROCKS & literal KNUCKLEDUSTERS.

Anyway. I’m telling this story because her grace & strength showed me a way through my recent ordeal. Because no woman should have to go through what she did. Because the law needs to change. And because women helping women stand up to power is a lesson to live by.

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