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Jan 31, 2022, 23 tweets

THREAD: With the coming Year of the Water Tiger 🐯 signifying the start of spring in the Chinese zodiac, many are hoping for rebirth as we cope with this pandemic.

@iampinkywebb speaks to feng shui expert Patrick Lim Fernandez on #TheSource | LIVE

How different is this year from last year?

Feng shui expert Patrick Lim Fernandez: Last 3 years were winter signs. The Year of the Tiger is a spring sign, so hope is in the horizon. This will definitely usher in new energy — a reemergence of the world. It'll also be gradual.

Feng shui expert says the Year of the Tiger is in the yang side: We'll see a lot more activity in the world this year. Work smarter and don't be narrow-minded.

Feng shui expert: The tiger is a bold and adventurous animal. Take calculated risks. If you're faced with a decision and the first option is more conservative, the second is more bold, take the bold option.

Feng shui expert: Don't act without thinking and don't be impulsive

Feng shui expert: There are still health and safety stars present this year. We should overcome this energy.

Feng shui expert says water and metal elements are more favorable this year.

He adds hygiene, trading and logistics, groceries, beverages, hospitality industry, analytics are water businesses that are seen to be good this year.

Feng shui expert on metal businesses that are seen to do good this year: Heavy metal industry, automobiles, banking and finance, medical industry, hardware, beauty and skincare products

Feng shui expert: Blue and black are tied to the water element, while white, silver, gold are tied to metal. These colors have favorable energy.

Feng shui expert: There will be forces of power and might this year. How do find balance in your approach?

Feng shui expert: For the Philippines, there's a very favorable energy that has to do with work and productivity. It only happens every 9 years. Let's take advantage of this.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Rat: Take note of your health and watch your temper. Be patient and you'll have better luck.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Ox: Grow your personal and professional relationships. Spend time with family, friends, colleagues, clients. Don't try to quarrel people.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Tiger: This is your year to showcase your talents and skills. But also expect changes that may be large in nature. Try to be proactive so you become an agent and not a victim of change.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Rabbit: A lot of luck and energy will come from the men in your life. Nurture your relationships with them, and also watch out for your illegal romance star.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Dragon: Find the strength and support you need. Watch out for your stress levels and plan your contingencies.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Snake: Nurture relationships with the women in your life because your luck and energy will come from them. Call your mother often. It's also a good year to grow investments, but go with your gut and the people you trust.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Horse: It's a good year for authority, people will be following your lead. But you have a legal star, so pay more attention to details.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Goat: Use your platform to get your message across. Promote yourself and ideals. But also watch out for your finances and impulse buying.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Monkey: You will have an up and down year. There will be a lot of energy that will test you. Something to look forward to is the travel star, which means you'll have an opportunity to expand your horizons personally or professionally.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Rooster: You'll have a lot of benefactors and supporters. People will want you to succeed. Watch out for sudden changes though.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Dog: If you're in the creative field, this is good for the dog. Even if you're not in that field, take advantage of the creativity star by innovating. Also challenge yourself to try something new.

Feng shui expert on Year of the Pig: It's good a year for breakthrough. Have new achievements as the year progresses. But you have an envy stat, so just be humble and keep a low profile.

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