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Jan 31, 2022, 14 tweets

[🧵] A December to remember. That's the words we had for this crazy conclusion of 2021. So much went down that we now have to break our rule on 10 tweets or less. So here it is, our monthly installment of #WxWrapUp for December 2021. (1/13)

Tropics: Nyatoh reached super typhoon status all due to the jet stream. Admittedly, it's not the best looking super typhoon but it reached that status. Nyatoh was 1 of 2 STYs in Dec.; the 1st time since 1959. (2/13)

Ruby came next in the AUS basin. At one point it was forecasted to rapidly intensify as it moved into New Caledonia; thankfully that wasn't the case. However, the center went through almost the entire island of Grande Terre. (3/13)

Of course, we can't forget the many communities who had their holidays ruined by Rai (Odette). The death toll is over 400 & dozens are still missing. Rai is now the 3rd costliest typhoon for PH on record. Cebu City was blasted by at least C4 force winds. (4/13)

And Rai wasn't done, Rai regained C5 strength in the South China Sea, making it the latest STY in the SCS on record. Overall, folks were getting Haiyan flashbacks & who can blame them? It's the worst since the 2013 storm & our thoughts continue to be with them. (5/13)

SevereWx: Our thoughts are also with those in the MS River Valley as a nightmare on Dec 10 came into fruition. It felt like spring almost. From Edwardsville to Monette, to Mayfield to Bowling Green, these where ground 0 for these terrible tornadoes. (6/13)

The tornado that sticks out like a sore thumb is the long tracked West KY one; still preliminary but right now, it's estimated at EF4/190mph. The damage & radar presentation was very violent. Whatever the final rating is, we can agree that this is in the history books (7/13)

Even more unprecedented was the Dec 15 Derecho/Outbreak. This monster of a system was not only responsible for 2/3 Code Red Initiations that day, but dropping a whopping 120 tornadoes with more still being reviewed. (8/13)

This intense derecho traveled 660mi with the most 75+mph wind reports ever in 1 day. Clearly insane for Dec since these areas haven't seen a MDT risk in that time period & snow was still on the ground. Even MN never had a Dec. tornado until that day. (9/13)

OtherWx: A large winter storm in the Upper Midwest caused some issues. A bit of traffic accidents occurred in the Minneapolis area with snow measurements reaching 21in. It wasn't a blockbuster one but it was mostly a nuisance. (10/13)

The Western USA had so much issues with increased precip. The Sierra Mountains had several feet of snow which would help the drought albeit some downstream flooding issues soon. (11/13)

Back to Dec 15, the wind was destructive for parts of CO. It even generated dust storms throughout. Also those winds with low RH were ideal fire conditions for the Southern Plains. It's the 1st Extremely Critical Risk in Dec outside of CA on record. (12/13)

The biggest fire story was in the Boulder area where the Marshall Fire ruined Louisville & Superior, CO. 1 dead but despite how quickly the fire grew, people heeded evacuation orders. Another major town in the world bites the dust & it's truly awful. (13/13)

Images used are for educational purposes. Credits of these images go to their respective owners as we don't own them (and there was a lot of images to be frank).

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