Loretta Torrago Profile picture
Very bad at following back but interested in a lot. Philosophy PhD Cornell

Jan 31, 2022, 6 tweets

The American--Speech-Language-Hearing Association and The American Association of Pediatrics both say there is no reason to believe children's language or speech skills be negatively impacted by masks. 🧵
h/t @stricken103

"....there is no known evidence that use of face masks interferes with speech and language development or social communication. Plus, children can still get plenty of face time at home with mask-free family members. "

".... there are no known studies that use of a face mask negatively impacts a child's speech and language development."

"And consider this: visually impaired children develop speech and language skills at the same rate as their peers."

".... families should know that speech/language therapy services are still occurring—and children are still making significant progress—at this time, even if an speech-language pathologist is wearing a mask."

"When it comes to use of face masks, the bottom line is safety first! Masks reduce transmission of COVID-19 and can make in-person schooling possible during the pandemic. Luckily, your child's speech and language skills can continue to grow."

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