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Jan 31, 2022, 8 tweets

NASA released the source selection statement behind its recent Commercial LEO Destinations contract awards (cumulatively worth ~$416 million), giving more insight into the private station proposals that won and lost. sam.gov/opp/8cb537fda3…


As a reminder, the three CLD contract winners:

Nanoracks (Starlab) - $160m
Blue Origin (Orbital Reef) - $130m
Northrop Grumman - $125.6m

11 companies submitted proposals, and 9 of those proposals were evaluated:

Space Villages
Northrop Grumman
Blue Origin
Orbital Assembly

NASA on Nanoracks' Starlab: Operational after a single launch but has "ambitious proposed launch date."

"A very significant level of private investment" but still lacks "detail on its financing plan."

NASA on Northrop Grumman's station:

"High technical maturity" and "use of existing flight hardware," but has "a weak marketing strategy" and proposes "very low private investment."

NASA on Blue Origin's Orbital Reef:

"Robust proposed research capabilities" and "use of proven Amazon logistics approach" with "a significant level of private investment," but has some "low technically mature elements" and asked for "more funds than NASA stated is available."

NASA on SpaceX, which proposed converting an HLS Starship into a space station:

"Comprehensive and proven safety and risk management approach" as well as "strong financial resources," but "a lack of definition" to the concept and "high dependence on HLS" program success.

NASA on Relativity's space station proposal:

"Reusable and returnable lab" and "frequent" short missions, but "low technical maturity" for mass 3D-printing approach and included "launch vehicle development" in the proposal.

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