Craig Scarborough Profile picture
Everything technical in Motorsport.

Jan 31, 2022, 5 tweets

Let's have a closer look at the 2022 #F1 regs on a bit more detail.
First off: suspension. The regs detail the outboard & inboard suspension.
Outboard the suspension must pass into the bigger wheels & must not change ride height +2mm. This bans the exposed pivots & pushrod mounts

The change in the sloped chassis will affect suspension.
Up until 2021 the taper from nose to cockpit, could slope up to 625mm high. This created space for the inboard pushrod suspension.
For 22 the taper must be linear, creating no space, this will lower the inboard suspension

The option of pushrod or pullrod geometry opens up.
Having a lower inboard set up, flattens the effective geometry of the wishbone/pushrod. The pushrod must be inside the wheel & no lower 40mm below the axle.
So, it may be better to have a pullrod.

The inboard suspension will also be changed, it will be much simpler front and rear. Its function will be more transparent, compared to the hydraulics & gas springs that lowered the rear at speed and supported the front under braking.
Inerters, mechanical or fluid are also banned

We will see a simpler set up with everything at the rocker.
Just mechanical springs (inc torsion bars) and 'simple' dampers to control, pitch, roll and single wheel movement.

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