Håkan Englund Profile picture
Tillbaka i september, ha en fin sommar! Back in September, have a great summer!

Jan 31, 2022, 10 tweets

"The Line Canada, and now The Line International (...), appears to be a misguided, delusional, and embarrassing grift at best, and a controlled opposition fed honeypot run by agent provocateurs at worst.

The Line and its members have become omnipresent at anti-lockdown protests

in Ontario, and have been expanding across the rest of the country, with a presence quickly developing in provinces such as Manitoba and BC. Protestors have reported that The Line have 'hijacked' protests and turned them into something 'weird'. (...)

The Line was co-founded in the Spring 2020 by George Roche, a music agent with degrees in psychology and marketing, and Lamont Daigle, a failed multi-level marketing self-help guru and magic water salesman. (...)

Their symbol, which happens to use the same colours as the Antifa logo, is a black circle with a red slash running through it. George Roche exlained that: 'The O represents that we stand against oppression. And the slash stands for we don't like the blood being spilled from it,'

though Lamont claims that the red slash in fact means 'you've crossed the line' (...)

[or is the whole thing a Saturn symbol?]

One wonders if they could have chosen a worse figurehead for a civil rights activist organization if they had tried.

Lamont is an exuberant New Age spiritualist and wannabe self-help guru, who has spent the past couple of decades hopping from one failed snake oil grift to the

next, with a particular emphasis on starting or joining organizations that revolve around mentoring young men. (...)

While looking into Daigle, I came across a very strange video. In 2019, after the screening of a documentary entitled 'Jesus Meets The Gay Man', Daigle was briefly interviewed on the subject of pedophilia."

First picture of truck with FREEDOM CONVOY banner, incl. text "Saturn", borrowed from Whiteboard Gematria.

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