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Jan 31, 2022, 8 tweets

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich claims her group doesn’t want to ban an MLK book, but does want to ban schools from teaching that Ruby Bridges encountered the N-word.

Tina says, “parents need to have that conversation” about the N-word, not “the school district.”

Racial slurs are bad. Schools should teach they are. Sanitizing history doesn’t make it go away.

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Ruby Bridges was 6 years old. If she could handle it, 2nd graders can learn about it.

This is the picture, a Norman Rockwell painting, that Moms for Liberty supports banning schools from fully discussing.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich is tired of her side being labeled “racist”and says “it’s getting really old.”

Tina has partisan leanings and has even attended a Trump rally.

To be fair, Tina already “pretty much solved all the problems in the world” by sitting next to Black and Brown people on a plane back in 2017.

The Moms for Liberty group complained that Ruby Bridges was taught as “a profile in courage.”

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