Sisu van Hellberta Profile picture
Dances with fire & spells for hire. Anti-hate researcher, freelance writer & 🔥performer. She/they. 🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦

Feb 1, 2022, 8 tweets

Here’s a glimpse at how police are negotiating with protestors blocking the border near Coutts, Alberta, from the video of a protestor in the room with them. No one is masked. The cops’ goal is to allow the protest but allow border traffic/commerce.

Police admit the blockade caught them off guard. I’m not sure why when they printed posters and posted to social media.

And example of a social media flyer shared widely enough that even I saw one.

Protestors say they aren’t blocking *all* border crossings, just this one, and they’re mad people keep calling them terrorists. This is how they need to get attention, they say.

The police reassure them that no one in their chain of command has referred to the protestors as terrorists.

Police openly empathize with this and say if they do “one thing wrong” as police they are “villified” too.

Here’s a full pan over the group police say includes all the leaders of this blockade. What do you see?

I’m not sure the name of the person who took this video but there are 30 minutes. It’s important to remember the protestors here are demanding a drop to all vaccine mandates at the border. That’s their demand.…

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