Lea Kissner Profile picture
(Now former) CISO @Twitter. Privacy eng, security, crypto & build respect. they/them Trying out @leak@hachyderm.io

Feb 1, 2022, 6 tweets

@C_C_Krebs is kicking off #enigma2022 with a look back at the excitement which was the 2020 presidential election.

I can't live tweet because I busted my wrist and I'm one-handed but talk is already great.

So I can't manage the alt text here but @ram_ssk is live tweeting for real 😁

Some things went right! Including @boblord (who you can see doing a fireside chat with @sheeraf on Thursday at #enigma2022)

It's horrible and worrying how many election officials are retiring because they are being harassed, doxxed, threatened.

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