Behind Israel's Troll Army Profile picture
Pointing out when pro-Israel social media is fake astroturf coordinated by the Israeli government's official anti-BDS app // tweets by @mbueckert

Feb 1, 2022, 8 tweets

Israel's app isn't happy about @amnesty's report on Israeli apartheid.

Below are some of the many 'missions' the app has launched on social media seeking to discredit and slander Amnesty, with the hashtag #AmnestyLies:

"SHARE the post of the European Jewish Association to let others know too that #AmnestyLIES."

"RETWEET the post of the Imam of Peace to let others know too that #AmnestyLIES."

"RETWEET the post of the Hillel Neuer to let others know too that #AmnestyLIES."

(This one also seems to be critical of Amnesty for supporting BLM?)

"RETWEET the post of Aviva Klompas to let others know too that #AmnestyLIES."

"COMMENT on this tweet and let the readers of CNN and the world know that #AmnestyLIES."

"COMMENT on Amnesty's video and call them out for their lies and misinformation. #AmnestyLies

This one targets @amnesty directly.

"COMMENT on this tweet and let the readers of the New York Post and the world know that #AmnestyLIES."

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