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(Now former) CISO @Twitter. Privacy eng, security, crypto & build respect. they/them Trying out @leak@hachyderm.io

Feb 1, 2022, 18 tweets

@patrickgage is starting off his talk about COVID-19 misinformation with literal 🔥

Investigation through public opinion polling

Boy howdy a lot of people heard that misinformation about 5G

... but not the same everywhere in the world

And many fewer people believe... but not few enough

Although the narratives move quickly, once they take hold they're difficult to change. The wrong beliefs stick.

Misinformation is also there -- and sticky -- for vaccine misinformation

Also studied statements which weren't just misinformation, like that vaccines would be safe

Different policies in different countries affect beliefs differently

If you've heard misinformation many times you're way, way more likely to believe it

... this may not be casual: the factors which lead to the choices someone makes which exposes them to misinformation may also influence their fixes


In response to question: There's a ton of demographic spread in people who fall for misinformation. There aren't near categories.

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