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(Now former) CISO @Twitter. Privacy eng, security, crypto & build respect. they/them Trying out @leak@hachyderm.io

Feb 1, 2022, 22 tweets

Dr. Gus Andrews is up next at #enigma2022

It's all just information. They have different teams.

People try fact checking and AI/ML. A lot

But assumes facts and trust are at the center

How to get people on "team science"?

Concept of fact comes from 17th century

Fact is appeal to evidence

Team science may not win

Well, how did journalism turn their reputation around?

You don't trust the evidence, you trust the facts, the appeal + evidence.

Team misinformation trusts different experts

Trust is contextual

Trust in medicine shaken by multiple things, including doctors saying opioids were safe

Not even to mention Tuskegee experiments or eugenics

Team loyalties go back generations

Ways Team Q tries to appeal to evidence

Not about the texts, about how you read them. Can't fix everything with AI

Misinformation is a social problem.

Team social media running into team journalism

Invest in local institutions for fact checking, more likely to be trusted

Maybe have editors?

Learn from previous projects

Expose your algorithms to more perspectives

Support your local public schools

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