Diana Huh Profile picture
Director, storyboard artist, webcomic-person-thing. she/her. https://t.co/1WO2nDdOb2

Feb 1, 2022, 13 tweets

gonna try #Hourlycomicday this year

8:00am wheee

9:00-11:00 is pretty boring

we scream at sofi a lot #hourlycomicday2022

these have gotten progressively goofier #hourlycomicday2022

suckle time with sofi #hourlycomicday2022

walk break #hourlycomicday2022

a rare blessing #hourlycomicday2022

still going #hourlycomicday2022

An observation on being a director #hourlycomicday2022

better call saul #hourlycomicday2022

good night #hourlycomicday2022

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