Lea Kissner Profile picture
(Now former) CISO @Twitter. Privacy eng, security, crypto & build respect. they/them Trying out @leak@hachyderm.io

Feb 2, 2022, 6 tweets

Taint flow analysis to ensure data isn't going anywhere it shouldn't, like leaking location in Instagram at #Enigma2022 from Graham Bleaney

... and bug bounty to try to find out about data abuse, like an abuse bounty, including scraping

Also suggests obfuscating passwords in transit...

Personal note: I'll point out that tokenization is great for this but NOT MANY OTHER THINGS ask me another time why this doesn't solve as many problems as most people hope

There are "bypass the protections" APIs. How to keep developers from using them?

Try scary function/variable names!

Personal note: I have totally done this is works better than it should 😂

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