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Feb 2, 2022, 17 tweets

🚨🚨🚨 Professor says an adult wanting to have sex with a kid is accepted as being wrong but “it’s not obvious to me that it is in fact wrong”

Hi @FredoniaU, you might want to take a look at this

It just keeps getting worse! @FredoniaU this guy needs to be fired ASAP

He compares minors consenting to sex to them consenting to a kickball game or lessons

This professor also wrote a piece on why Americans shouldn’t be grateful to veterans 🤬

It just keeps getting worse

He suggests that we don’t know if sex with a minor is good or bad, so therefore it shouldn’t be banned or condemned

Hi @DrKolison, it appears you have a problem at your university.

Professor Stephen Kershnar continues on and says there is benefits and advantages to adult-child sex


Professor Stephen Kershnar suggests sex with a minor might only be harmful because of the way society reacts to it and not because of the actual act

This is truly horrifying

BREAKING: The University which employs this professor just released this statement:

Since 2015 😱😱

I’m sorry what?

He’s also pro discrimination against women in the workplace. You can’t make this up

On adult-child sex: “I don’t think exploitation is wrongful”

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