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On an X hiatus. Be back in March(ish).

Feb 2, 2022, 35 tweets

I thought long and hard about how I would compose this next #COVIDGrifter 🧵.

I have a particular bone to pick with Abdu Sharkawy and I think the best way to air those grievances is to talk about myself a bit as well.

Here goes nothing.


Confession - I horded toilet paper.

I started stockpiling food, clothing, toothpaste, batteries, bleach, various types of emergency radios, sanitary supplies, water purification tablets and filters, you name it in early January of 2020.

I was scared of the mysterious pneumonia.

All of this was done in secret without my wife knowing. She rarely ventured down into our basement crawl space where I hid everything.

Part of me didn’t want to alarm her (maybe this would be nothing). Part of me was embarrassed I was acting irrationally. I spent thousands of $.

In later learned I had PTSD from a combination of my job + my wife’s cancer diagnosis in 2017. She is currently in remission. 🙏

I wasn’t afraid of a virus. I was most afraid of mass civil unrest and the collapse of society due to government overreaction.

Boy was I wrong… 🙄

I knew the videos “leaking” out of China of people collapsing unconvincingly in the streets of COVID-19 was propaganda.

But when panic set in in Italy and lockdowns became I thing in the West I started to feel physically ill from anxiety.

I feebly obsessed Google searching for any good news related to C19. This is how I came across a Facebook post from an infectious diseases expert in Toronto by the name of Abdu Sharkawy dated March 5th, 2020.

He urged calm and rationality ahead of a pandemic.

He was more scared of panic, travel restrictions, how trade would be effected, how multiple sectors would be disrupted which would culminate in a global recession.

@sharkawy feared that masses of people showing no symptoms would flood the hospitals demanding to be checked out.

As of today this Facebook post has 815,000 ❤️.

If I knew who Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorff were, at the time, I would have believed Abdu Sharkawy was positioning himself to be the Canadian equivalent.

Boy would I have been wrong… 🙄

The first case detected in Hamilton, Ontario was on March 11th. It was an oncologist at the Juravinski Cancer Centre.

My wife was scheduled for a cancer screening on March 12th. It was cancelled.

On March 13th I was in my supervisor’s office openly crying. I was sent home.

Off work for the foreseeable future, my wife told me to delete Facebook, IG, and Twitter off my phone. She said she would only tell me the news that was important.

She agreed I was only allowed to read the daily epidemiological reports on the Ontario dashboard.

I spent two months away from work, frequently talking to a counsellor over the phone, and reading @sharkawy’s post which I screen captured.

“Thank God”, I would think to myself, “For rational minds like Dr. Sharkawy.”

My wife didn’t know who he was when I asked.

I returned to work on May 10th, 2020. The peak of the initial outbreak had past even though the CFR in Ontario wouldn’t peak until a few days later at 8.4%.

Nobody saw the bodies pile up, or the refrigerator trucks as makeshift morgues. Everything seemed normal.

To skip a few months ahead although there was a mask mandate in Ontario as of July 2020 we were not wearing masks at work until late November.

In December when @fordnation ordered the 2nd lockdown on Boxing Day I returned to Twitter, hoping I would find rational voices.

I found @Milhouse_Van_Ho and @robfoot, thankfully, and eventually @Golden_Pup as well.

But I was also exposed to the dark side. The Fisman’s, the Goldman’s, the Former High School Teachers.

And @sharkawamy. It took me weeks to realize he was the same person from the FB post.

Within two months of gaining fame from a viral lost, urging rationality on Facebook he was heartbroken by… kids in a park?!?

This is when I realized @sharkawy gained a celebrity status by adopting a benevolent collectivist persona.

I’ll continue this thread tomorrow with an attempt to show everyone just how many media appearances Abdu made during the pandemic.

Sharkawy is the Baby Shark of #COVIDGrifters.

Here's @SharkawyMD just lapping up his new found notoriety. He was the archetype.

Immediately on the Dr. Phil show building an audience for himself.

Reconcile his comments early in the pandemic with how he speaks now. This isn't the same person.

Call me crazy, but should you be able to search the Internet Movie Database and find an Ontario taxpayer funded MD as having a filmography?

There is something incredibly unethical about the medical profession in this country.

So is @sharkawyMD a doctor or an actor? Watch this clip brought to my attention by @CrispyRebellion.

Abdu chokes up while he recounts seeing pictures of people in groups of 10 who are TANNING and HAVING a GREAT TIME.

@SharkawyMD @CrispyRebellion Sorry, @sharkawyMD, you seem to be confused.

Yourself and your colleagues were not making sacrifices for MY freedom. You get compensated handsomely to work hard in MY emergency room with MY tax money.

Just to take a minute to analyze the carefully constructed behavioural sciences movie set here.

Degrees ✔️
Doctor Coat ✔️
N95 mask ✔️
Doctor Scrubs ✔️
Eye glasses ✔️
#StethoscopeOfGlory ✔️
Toaster Oven 🤔

The acting continues.

If you search Abdu Sharkawy you will get a seemingly endless amount of media appearances...


And more...

It literally never stops.

Forgot to mention this search was conducted on YouTube if it wasn't obvious. Sorry guys.

I purposefully structured this thread backwards by focusing on all of the media attention @sharkawyMD received before getting to his credentials.

There is no doubt that Abdu went to school a lot.

There is also no doubt that Abdu is a doctor at Toronto Western Hospital where he specializes in infectious diseases in the HIV Clinic.

Nor is there doubt that he is an Assistant Professor at the cesspool UoT.

Similarly to fellow #COVIDGrifter @nightshiftMD, @sharkawyMD can be hired as a keynote speaker through the National Speakers Bureau.

There is some speculation out there as to how much he charges per event, needless to say it appears to be totally okay with the @CPSO.

I do find it very interesting that @sharkawyMD is described as a "world-renowned medicine and infectious diseases specialist" and "was one of the key authorities speaking on and educating the public about the Covid-19 pandemic on a global stage".

Oh really? 🤔

I would expect that a world-renowned expert would have an extensive history of medical research to prove such a credential.

Yet I couldn't find a single article authored by
@sharkawyMD published on @TheLancet, the
@JAMA_current, or the @NEJM...

I was able to find some articles on PubMed.

And I am being generous when I say "some".

One was an article dated August 2020 and the other was an article dated August 2021, about COVID (it appears to be 3 but there is just a duplicate version in french).

I read both of those articles and I find them not to be particularly ground-breaking, especially considering how late they were both written compared to the initially outbreak in January of 2020 for the first article and the well over 18 months later date of the second article.

There were only two other articles authored by @sharkawyMD on PubMed, both were pretty dated.

At least fellow #COVIDGrifter @DFisman was formerly an actual scientist with a substantial amount of research to his credit.


@SharkawyMD @DFisman And that about wraps up this #COVIDGrifter thread on @sharkawyMD.

I hope you are all enjoying this series. It has been interesting to compile all of this for you.

I believe I will be looking into everyone's favourite librarian for the next entry.

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