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Feb 2, 2022, 10 tweets

It's time to swap Spain for a Scottish island or space 🏝️


The Love Island villa is on the move. Well, the villa itself isn’t moving anywhere – but the show is moving from its previous location on the Spanish island of Majorca. So obviously there’s one big question on everyone’s lips: where are the islanders heading?

For now, Love Island bosses haven’t confirmed a new location. They have said, however, that it’s pretty likely the show will stay in Majorca – and simply migrate to another villa. But let’s be honest, that would be boring. Very boring. Why not mix things up a bit?

The show could do with a bit of a shake-up after seven years of pretty much exactly the same format.

We thought it’d be a tiny bit entertaining to suggest some locations for a funner (and funnier) edition of Love Island in 2022.

Here are five definitely very plausible ideas 👇

📍Alton Towers

Ever tried to chat someone up while plummeting the 55-metre drop of Alton Towers’ legendary Oblivion? We haven’t, but we imagine it’d be pretty difficult. Staffordshire’s finest theme park would add fresh difficulty to a frankly tired formula

📍London Zoo

Watching Love Island is a lot like observing another species of human. We’re sure islanders will relish the chance to show off on camera and in front of a live audience of humans and animals. Get David Attenborough to narrate the contestants’ strange mating rituals


Canna in the Inner Hebrides has been struggling with attracting new residents for decades. Sure, the islanders would likely have to learn Gaelic, give up their tans and get into birdwatching, but it’d all be worth it to almost triple the island’s current population

📍Zip World Llechwedd

On the face of it, a disused slate mine in north Wales might not be as glamorous as a sun-drenched villa in the Med – but this ain’t any old mine. Full of zip wires, trampolines and opportunities for climbing and caving, it’s basically just a damn good time


Let's see the islanders jetted off on a rocket. The host could be Elon Musk, while contestants face the challenges of trying to make a space suit look sexy. An added bonus: getting some of the world’s most annoying people far away from the rest of us as humanly possible

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