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Feb 2, 2022, 6 tweets

No beloved tourist attraction is safe from these keyboard warriors 😱

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“Absolutely awful. Too many French people thought it was funny to throw croissants and pain aux chocolate at me! Not a fun experience”

“They wouldn’t let us in. Even though it was cold and rainy outside. The guards couldn’t even smile for a second. The Queen refused to open the door or even wave at the window”

“I was shocked to see so much sand covering the ground and surrounding area. I was under the impression that they would clear this sand to make way for us but they did no such thing! Instead we had to walk through the hot sand and it got all over me, ruining my new dress”

“If I had one day left to live on this earth, I would spend it going to the top... because the queue in that place feels like an absolute ETERNITY”

“Really stupid. Should have been torn down long ago. A ragged remnant of a real estate advertising campaign of the last century”

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