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Feb 2, 2022, 7 tweets

It's 2/2/22! For this day of 2️⃣s, here are some iconic pairs in our solar system. Some asteroids come in twos, such as Ida & Dactyl, as seen by the Galileo spacecraft. This year, our #DARTMission will perform its test at another pair, Didymos & Dimorphos:

Two small moons of Saturn, Janus & Epimetheus, share very similar orbits around the planet, and they regularly swap positions. This series of images was captured by Cassini.

Pluto and its largest moon Charon, seen here by the #NewHorizonsMission, are sometimes described as a double planet, since they orbit around the common center of gravity between them.

Mars has two small moons, Phobos & Deimos ("fear" and "dread" in Greek). These portraits come from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Much of what we know about the worlds of the solar system comes from our robotic explorers. Sometimes, as with @NASAVoyager 1 & 2 or the @NASAMars rovers Spirit & Opportunity, two spacecraft means more science and less chance of a total mission loss.

Sometimes, as in the case of @NASAMoon’s GRAIL mission or @NASAEarth's GRACE missions, a pair of spacecraft flying in precise formation measure gravitational fields with astounding accuracy.

@NASAMoon @NASAEarth Plenty of compelling pairs outside the solar system, too.

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