Arun Valsan Profile picture
Hepatologist & Transplant Physician; Army Veteran; PGIMER, AFMC & Calicut Alumnus. Clinical Medicine aficionado Wayfarer, Book 🐛, 🇦🇷⚽, ☕ addict

Feb 2, 2022, 12 tweets

As promised, here's my slide set on "Landmark trials in Hepatology 2021"
A lot of great research got left out due to ⏰(15min!)
Tx to #livertwitter #GITwitter.
A 🧵below
(Animations removed!)

Scheme of presentation

Final cut pro☺

CONFIRM trial (Florence Wong, Arun Sanyal)

ATTIRE trial

Semaglutide in NASH
@phil_newsome7 @VladRatziu

Great research, excluded due to want of time

NATIVE @VladRatziu @QAnstee
EVIDENCES IV @nagachalasani
RIFsys @VishCPatel @DebbieShawcros1
SURFASA DeMatin, Philip Mathurin

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