Lea Kissner Profile picture
(Now former) CISO @Twitter. Privacy eng, security, crypto & build respect. they/them Trying out @leak@hachyderm.io

Feb 2, 2022, 18 tweets

Bob has clearly not understood the problem.

@senykam at #Enigma2022

"using marginalized groups as branding is a way to seem sincere"

Bob should work with people who actually understand the problem.

Examine with project at Brown looking at gun violence

Challenge: the laws

But what if you have a voluntary, decentralized, encrypted gun registry?

Those red marks are subtle things the cryptographers wouldn't know without the folks in Sen Wyden's office including them in the spec

They prototyped one, totally possibly to run at US scale

But can only do that deeply collaboratively

Challenge: reviewer #2

Challenge: incentives

Challenge: incentives (slide 2)

Challenges: incentives (slide 3)

Education: technology is impacting people directly, but CS education hasn't changed

CS education doesn't teach how to solve ambiguous problems

CS students need to have a well-rounded, balanced education


This is the end of another really excellent talk by @senykam.

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