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Everything technical in Motorsport.

Feb 3, 2022, 6 tweets

More 2022 #F1 regulations: Power Units.
There aren't huge changes to the power unit rules. F1 will continue to run +1000hp 1.6 litre turbo hybrid engines. These will be the last generation of the post-2014 units and will race thru till 2025, when new PUs come in for 2026.

#F1 PUs are made up from seperate components, that sub assemblies to be allow upgraded or replaced individually.
As part of the budget cap, teams pay a maximum of $15m for a seasons supplyof PUs.
Currently the PU manufacturers are not capped in their spending

Each PU component can be upgraded once in 2022.
Thereafter this will be the PU raced until 2026.
Homologation dates are different for each component, either March or September. Inc fuel & oil
After that changes can only be made FIA approval for reliability, cost or safety reasons

During each season, each driver/car can run a limited amount of components. With grid penalties for using over this amount.

Additionally the SECU software can only be updated a certain number of times.
After 2022 PU/ERS are limited to 1 per season

Correction: only Energy store (battery) and control units per season (not 3)

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