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Feb 3, 2022, 18 tweets

Today in pulp... a few children's and YA novels from Fontana Lions!

We loved a post-nuclear YA novel in the '80s. Loved it we did...

Children Of The Dust, by Louise Lawrence. Fontana Lions, 1985.

I Am The Cheese, by Robert Cormier. Fontana Lions, 1980. One of those books that seemed to be in every school...

The Eyes Of The Amaryllis, by Natalie Babbitt. Fontana Lions, 1980. Cover by Pauline Baynes.

The Owl Service, by Alan Garner. Fontana Lions, 1981.

Tex, by S.E. Hinton. Fontana Lions, 1979.

The Nature Of The Beast, by Janni Howker. Fontana Lions, 1985.

Beyond The Dragon Prow, by Robert Leeson. Fontana Lions, 1985.

The House That Sailed Away, by Pat Hutchins. Fontana Lions, 1975. Illustrations by Laurence Hutchins.

That's it for Fontana Lions books today.

But hold on...

...here come the Armada Lions!

The Silver Crown, by Robert O'Brien. Armada Lions, 1975.

Elidor, by Alan Garner. Armada Lions, 1974.

Mandy, by Julie Edwards (aka Julie Andrews). Armada Lions, 1974. Illustrations by Judith Gwyn Brown.

The Weirdstone Of Brisingamen, by Alan Garner. Armada Lions, 1971.

The King Of The Copper Mountains, by Paul Biegel. Armada Lions, 1973.

The Hunting Of Wilberforce Pike, by Molly Lefebure. Armada Lions, 1975.

The Book Of Three, by Lloyd Alexander. Armada Lions, 1973.

More childhood memories another time...

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