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Feb 3, 2022, 16 tweets

As Rep Roy said, Democrats’ so-called “China bill” is not about confronting China.

It’s about increasing deficit spending on crony programs, advancing a radical climate agenda, and enacting woke garbage that has nothing to do with beating ChiComs

Let’s take a look

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This week, the national debt hit $30 TRILLION for the first time in history.

That’s almost $250k worth of debt PER U.S. TAXPAYER.

And this bill has a price tag of $325 BILLION with no real offsets, which will make our debt crisis even worse.…


This bill condemns China’s “nonmarket economy” and the “mass subsidization of Chinese firms”.

But it literally spends HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars on crony programs, including $52 billion on the semiconductor industry, $45 billion for “supply chains,” and much more.


It expands a welfare program for people “affected” by trade otherwise described as "Build Back Better for unions" by:

-Making more people eligible

-Creating a new $2k per child allowance

-Establishing a new PERMANENT Obamacare-style credit


Now that their “Build Back Bolshevik” bill is dead, Democrats are using THIS bill to ram through their radical climate agenda.

For example, the bill includes a $3 billion program to subsidize domestic solar power, which helps China by hurting our grid reliability.


Another provision would authorize $8 billion for the UN’s Green Climate Fund (GCF), to help OTHER countries comply with the Paris Climate Agreement.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the GCF literally gave China $100 million for a project in 2019!


This “China bill” would also create “Climate Change Officer” positions in the State Dept & a task force that could force our ARMED FORCES to respond to climate change.

Our military/diplomacy should focus on countering China NOT climate change & pipe-dream energy policy


Absurdly, it also expresses the sense of Congress that the U.S. should COOPERATE WITH THE CHINA in the name of climate change.

The U.S. CANNOT sacrifice our energy independence by letting the dishonest Chinese Communist Party dictate our energy policy.


Unsurprisingly, Dems are using this to push leftist dogma here at home.

This includes establishing a “Chief Diversity Officer” position at the National Science Foundation.

Our enemy, the CCP, isn't wasting time with woke nonsense like this. We can't afford to either.


It also authorizes $750 million for a program that would evaluate how mentoring and education policies impact graduate degree completion based on “gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity”.


Some parts of this make absolutely no sense.

For example, the “China bill” mentions the word “coral” 394 times while mentioning “China” only 374 times.

Apparently developing a National Coral Reef Resilience Strategy is more important than a strategy to #BeatChina


With this in mind, you may be wondering what this bill does to hold China to account for things like:

-Uyghur genocide
-Squashing Hong Kong democracy
-Rampant IP theft
-Domestic oppression/surveillance
-Aggression against Taiwan

The truth is – almost NOTHING.


The bill relies mostly on totally unenforceable “senses of Congress” and agency reports to “counter” China.

These toothless provisions (examples below) will have absolutely ZERO impact on China whatsoever.


What the bill DOES do is allow Chinese nationals to flow into the U.S. under new and expanded visa programs (while our southern border is wide open).

The visas will help the Chinese economy benefit from wages earned in the U.S., and invites MORE IP theft.


Rep. Roy introduced two amendments to improve this horrible bill:

-One would provide tax incentives to foreign manufacturers that move to the U.S.

-The other would ban CCP members from purchasing land in the U.S.

However, neither will receive a vote.


This bill is anything but a “China bill,” and Dems know that.

As stated above we need to "beat those commie bastards"

That demands real solutions, not another massive spending bill full of crony handouts, climate hysteria/woke garbage, & more visas for Chinese nationals.


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