Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. He/him.

Feb 4, 2022, 7 tweets

Randox is every VIP. Civil servants were told by Ministers - explicitly or implicitly - to give them contracts or else.…

VIPs knew it. Baroness Mone was "incandescent with rage" and going to Michael Gove and Matt Hancock.

Civil servants knew it. Here is a civil servant worrying about Andrew Mills kicking off if he doesn't get a contract.

Matt Hancock has repeatedly said he didn't have anything to do with the award of contracts.

But here he is bullying civil servants into giving special treatment to Randox for which former Tory MP Owen Paterson worked as a highly paid consultant (…).

And here he is helping out a bid supported by another disgraced former Tory MP, Brooks Newmark (…).

The catastrophic and corrupt process for pandemic procurement meant that our of every £13 we spent on PPE £10 was wasted: more than £10bn in total.

We don't yet know how much of the £37bn spent on Test and Trace was wasted.…

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