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Feb 4, 2022, 5 tweets

🇬🇧👑 Queen Elizabeth II will Sunday become the first British monarch to reign for 70 years, heralding the start of her #PlatinumJubilee year.
Here are a series of graphics to mark the occasion.
#AFPgraphics @AFP
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🇬🇧👑 The British royal family tree, highlighting the line of succession
#AFPgraphics @AFP
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🇬🇧👑 World map locating the 15 countries where Elizabeth II is queen
#AFPgraphics @AFP
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🇬🇧👑 Timeline showing UK prime ministers who have come and gone since Queen Elizabeth II's accession in 1952
#AFPgraphics @AFP
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🇬🇧👑 Timeline showing US presidents who have come and gone since Queen Elizabeth II's accession in 1952
#AFPgraphics @AFP
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