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Web Developer | Technical Writer @lambdatesting | Sharing • Web Dev Tips • resources • AI • No-code tools • | DM for Collaboration

Feb 4, 2022, 8 tweets

Projects to brush up on your Html skills.


1⃣ HTML personal website

create your portfolio website and use as many tags as possible for your portfolio like <table> tag , <img> tag,<hr> tag etc.

Snapshot of Project👇

2⃣ Documentation page

create your own documentation page for your notes and report with your own functionality and practice all links, heading, and paragraph tags.

Snapshot of Project👇

3⃣ Survey form

create your own survey form for school, college, and your research, and practice your all form tag.

Snapshot of Project👇

4⃣ Timetable

create a timetable for your school and for yourself and practice all the table tags with the project.

Snapshot of Project👇

5⃣ Tribute page

create a tribute page for your favorite personality and use different tags to make this page

Snapshot of Project👇

6⃣ Source code link


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