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@NBCNews Justice reporter. 📚Author of SEDITION HUNTERS, one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 https://t.co/of2wEZEgyy SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62 🚲

Feb 4, 2022, 7 tweets

NEW: Video shows rioters outside of Nancy Pelosi's office on Jan. 6.

Lots of familiar faces in there:

This was one of four videos released in connection with the Lawrence Stackhouse case.

Stackhouse told the FBI he "was wearing a Proud Boys hoodie while at the U.S. Capitol" but is not a member of the Proud Boys, per his admitted statement of offense.

A photo, for reference:

At the front of the mob in Pelosi’s wing, you’ll notice David Walls-Kaufman, the Capitol Hill chiropractor whose office is just blocks away:

Previously released video shows the Capitol Hill chiropractor breaching the building:

"Nearly six months after he was identified, he has not yet been arrested.” huffpost.com/entry/jeffrey-…

More footage from outside Pelosi’s office:

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