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@NBCNews Justice reporter. 📚Author of SEDITION HUNTERS, one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 https://t.co/of2wEZEgyy SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62 🚲

Feb 4, 2022, 8 tweets

A sampling of Jan. 6 defendant Ryan Nichols’ political discourse:

More discourse:

Ryan Nichols’ attorney Joseph McBride — who told me he doesn’t “give a shit about being wrong” — is one of the stars of Tucker Carlson’s Patriot Purge series.

He’s the guy throwing out “agent provocateur” claims that have blown up in his face.


"If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon. If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon. If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon." -- more political discourse

“So if you want to know where Ryan Nichols stands, Ryan Nichols stands for violence,” says Ryan Nichols.

This is why court transparency is important. Prosecution could accurately describe in court documents how Ryan Nichols confessed in the third person while wielding his crowbar, but words can’t do justice to his mangled pronunciation of “election integrity.”

Supposed they could’ve spelled out “elegrity…. uh uh uh… intention…. uh… election integrity,” but it wouldn’t have had the same effect.

"You can't stop what's coming tomorrow!... We ain’t got your back no more!... Heads will fucking roll!"

Here's Ryan Nichol's footage of himself threatening cops on the evening of Jan. 5:

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