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RT≠endorsement | Not an Ally | IMT and Dogs not allowed, actually🤔,dogs allowed | Love Trap | #FreeKaGyaan

Feb 5, 2022, 11 tweets

#NRI like this entity are the worst

Instead of acting as a true ally to Indian Muslims, they want to test their "Muslimness"

Cause they don't pay the price

A Saib puts himself on the line when he goes to protests

This thing here, doesn't

Hence he can throw Indians to 🐕

An #UmarKhalid will suffer in jail

While they will park their NRI posterior on sofa watching Rugby

In their own nations they are non entity

So they act as saviour here

While throwing the "Indian Muslims" Under the 🚍, by ironically calling them "Saviour"


Not just in India, apparantly their perceived "Whiteness" makes them eligible to judge the Muslims of entire Subcontinent

It's their certificate that will matter

While they are watching Rugby


Do they want Indian Muslims to study?

Apparantly not

Cause Muslim Scholars like Sharzeel or Umar were "busy writing meaningless academic work" as per them.

But they need to stay relevant

So, they will RT the #HijabisOurRight
while dissing on PhDs



Biharis ko ye aukaat samjhate hain

Indians ko ye batate hain ki how their "worthless jobs" has given them an inferior thought process

If you are a Muslim from Bihar or A Muslim working in India, congrats

Aise bachyenge ye aapko

Good Luck 👌++

They want to decide which Indian Muslim is and isn't worthy of inclusion in the Muslim issues in India,
While they sit on their couch in Australia watching Rugby 😌
Also, when it comes to Indian Muslims, going on to abuse Mother is fair game, in fact is encouraged by RT ++


Your Muslim name is enough for your identity to be attacked,

But ye NRI Muslim Conditionally Indian Muslims ko sirf tab support karenge if they bend down in their feet

Also, do note the intention to hound them

Cause well, the Australian got his Sofa and Rugby



Toxic patriarchy hai, ji haan
Misogynist hain, ji haan

Transphobic ji haan

Kisi ke gender ka mazak udane mein inko bahut anand aata hai

And If you are a women, Well from your family to your upbringing to your friends, all are pulled in to TEACH YOU YOUR PLACE



But token support tweet RT kar denge from real journalists about women issues

Cause NRI ko yahan clout chahiye
Also, do notice the use of "WE"

To show that this chap is similar to you

But when heat comes, they shift to "YOUR COUNTRY",you deal , main to innocent NRI 🥺


Inka "We" Solidarity nahin appropriation hai

Inka support conditional hai

Ye khud to aage badh gye but they don't want you to get higher education

They still have the colonial mindset


Are you?


Now what will be achieved by this thread



Cause like them, their supporters can't take a stand when their own are called

That's ok though

Am not talking to them about these chaps

Am just putting it for the next INDIAN MUSLIM who will be targeted by them

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