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Crypto currency afficionado

Feb 5, 2022, 10 tweets

With the INV+ launch, @InverseFinance presents a new form of Governance token. This first “positive sum rewards token” ever offers a combination of high APY, unique revenue sharing rewards, low cost borrowing, and more. A thread is more than needed to explain it all!

Most governance tokens entitle holders to nothing other than the token itself, maybe voting, providing very low value to investors. Highly volatile assets - bets on a future hypothetical revenue sharing system. Some holders win, some lose. A zero-sum game 😱

Careful tokenomics research enabled @InverseFinance to design an innovative system for their governance token. The parts feed the whole and generates a positive sum game for all participants. We upgraded their system and invented INV+, a positive sum rewards token. Let’s see how.

By staking INV tokens you are eligible to receive very high APY rewards. @InverseFinance recognizes its holder's loyalty, distributing a minimum of 100% APY. Want more? You don’t receive this bonus weekly or daily, but… 6,400 times per day, with every new ethereum block! #Wow

Investors who borrow DOLA - the stablecoin from @InverseFinance - pay interest to the protocol. As DOLA circulation increases and reaches specific milestones, a portion of this interest will start to be returned to the INV stakers #AlignedInterest. A nice recurring DOLA income!🙌

INV being a governance token, it will allow you to make your voice heard on all decision subjects: new collateral types, new products, partnerships, how the DAO is run, and more 🗳️.

There's nothing worse than an unproductive token. @InverseFinance lets you use your staked INV as collateral to borrow the stablecoin DOLA, at some of the lowest rates in the industry! Then it's up to you to maximize your yield in the defi landscape! 💰💰💰

🤫 Coming soon: an accelerated Leverage Engine will provide easy one-click leverage. Borrow DOLA, buy INV, stake, repeat – up to eleven times or suchlike🤯. Never again will you say that your capital sits idle 🛠️ #ExpertsOnly

TL; DR: Inverse Plus created new tokenomics (positive sum rewards & revenue sharing) deeply rooted within two powerful @InverseFinance money legos (stablecoin & money market) and injected it in one governance token. There is no other business model in the world like it.

How to start? Get more info on the project here: Join the very active community on Discord and engage with the project:…. Convinced? Buy INV on open markets and start staking :) - This is not financial advice.

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