Cosmin Dzsurdzsa Profile picture
Senior Researcher at True North //Find my work @junonewscom //Formerly Senior Editor @TPostMillennial +It's pronounced: Jurja | Alumnus: @uwaterloo |

Feb 5, 2022, 6 tweets

The #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 is beginning to arrive in downtown Vancouver right now.

Police seen directing traffic as supporters gather for weekend protests against COVID-19 restrictions.

About a dozen or so pro-vaccine counterdemomstrators in downtown Vancouver to meet the convoy.

Crowds stretch down Burrard St right, waving on motorists and trucks as they pass.

Protests are peaceful with some traffic disruptions

Anyone hoping to buy lingerie in downtown Vancouver will be out of luck. This shop has closed for the day.

Convoy slowly winding its way over Burrard Bridge.

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