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Senior Researcher at True North //Find my work @junonewscom //Formerly Senior Editor @TPostMillennial +It's pronounced: Jurja | Alumnus: @uwaterloo |

Feb 5, 2022, 7 tweets

Scenes from downtown Toronto and Queen's Park #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 right now. Indigenous drumming, some First Nations flags and people enjoying themselves with lots of music/partying.

#FreedomConvoyCanada2022 has assembled in front of the BC Legislature in Victoria.

Similar protests are happening in major cities across Canada right now.

This is downtown Vancouver right now. #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 supporters line the streets, beating drums and having a good time.

Protest in support of #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 and removing COVID-19 mandates underway in Winnipeg, Manitoba as well.

Looks cold but quite the crowd gathered in front of the Legislative Assembly.

These are the scenes coming out of Edmonton right now as the #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 makes its way to the Alberta Legislature joined by farm tractors.

Pride flag spotted as protestors line the downtown core cheering on the truckers while horns are blaring.

Clips coming out of Quebec City on social media this afternoon. Large crowd assembled in front of the National Assembly to oppose COVID-19 mandates. High spirits and chanting.

I have never seen anything like this. This is happening across Canada.

Similar happenings in downtown Calgary, Alberta today including a DJ and a full-out dance party.

Protestors are out in support of the #FreedomConvoy2022 and are calling for an end to COVID-19 mandates and restrictions.

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