Rupa Subramanya Profile picture
@TheFP .Former columnist @nationalpost Email:

Feb 5, 2022, 6 tweets

Here are Sandeep and Jag from Montreal. Both originally from India. They're here to oppose lockdowns and mandates. They say they're not white supremacists.

More mercenaries from Montreal spreading hateful messages of love. I suspect Ottawa can't handle this outpouring of affection. Call in the army.

Meet Ottawa residents Kyle and Meghan with this extremely provocative message of coming together and ending divisions. Should be filed under hate speech.

Many parents with their kids are at the insurrection.Some suspect these are either Khmer Rouge or Sandinista elements. No one is quite sure. The kids am told are being prepared for future leadership roles in the movement in one or the other movements. Maybe even both. Worrying.

I was terrified filming this. I climbed on to the DJs pickup truck where they were DJing. This harrowing footage is of people performing a strange demonic ritual. I'm told it's called dancing. For Ottawa residents, this may be a revelation…

Artist couple from Montreal spreading messages of hate and divisiveness. Our innocent strait laced city of Ottawa has not seen this since the war of 1812…

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