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Feb 6, 2022, 7 tweets

Thread: Joe Rogan said the video of him saying the N-word repeatedly was taken “out of context,” “he hasn’t said [the N-word] in years,” and he’s “not racist.”

Scroll down to see 2017 clips of Joe Rogan arguing for using the N-word and urging a guest to say it.

Joe Rogan argued for saying the N-word: “Don’t you think by not saying it, it becomes this ridiculously charged magic word?”

Rogan predicted people would get in trouble for saying “the N-word,” just like they do for wearing “hoop earrings, braids, and dreadlocks.” #SpotifyKnew

CW: Joe Rogan using racial and ethnic slurs on his podcast.

Joe Rogan mocked people who say “the N-word” instead of the actual racial slur and then cycled through several racial and ethnic slurs.

Rogan then urged his guest to say the N-word and busted out laughing. #SpotifyKnew

As we mentioned this morning in our formal statement, what we previously published was just the tip of the iceberg. More to come.

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Just making sure we get more context…

After Joe Rogan egged his guest on to say the N-word, he then said it, and the two talked about how “marginalized group” members are allowed to use it.

Rogan: “Black people just throw it around like a beach ball at a concert.” #SpotifyKnew

The guest on this episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast who said the N-word was Greg Fitzsimmons.

Twitter has added a warning for sensitive content on Joe Rogan’s racial slur rant.

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