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Christian | Aston Villa | Politics | Patriot - in that order!

Feb 6, 2022, 6 tweets

1.When President Chamisa said #Godisinit he meant it. What has made him survive until today can only be attributed to God. The man has been thru a lot. He was betrayed by some people whose political careers he saved. They planned evil against him. (Cont...)

2. People like Dhagi was disliked by the voters in his own home town but Chamisa stood up for him. People didn't want him to address them, but Chamisa intervened. Dhagi was defeated at the MDC-A congress, yes he lost dismally to @hwendec but still Chamisa gave him another chance

3. He was included into the leadership of the party although after losing at the congress he was now literally a card carrying member. But Mwonzora being the Muzorewa of our time, went back to his old antics - selling out. He dined with the illegitimate president inorder to ...

4. ..bring down Chamisa. They tried all tricks in the book including recalling all MPs who were accused of being aligned to Chamisa. When he saw that the majority of MPs believed in Chamisa's change agenda he turned to ED for help. His final push was the MDC-A name. He thought...

5... that was the master stroke. When Chamisa outsmarted him by forming and announcing a new party with no links to the old and damaged MDC-A, Dhagi & his handler ED were left clutching straws. They are now in a quandary. They don't know what to do, they are perplexed..

6. Chamisa was quiet for a long time and people took that for being weak but he was wait too wise. Folks we are in safe hands. Dhagi's last supper politically is coming. March 26 will teach a lesson he will never forget. Let's all rally behind #CCC #NgaapindeHakeMukomana

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