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Feb 6, 2022, 13 tweets

You really have to hand it to these #COVIDGrifters.

They spent the past three days stoking fear that HCWs workers and hospitals would be under attack and Bill C-3 was all that could protect them.

Here’s a tweet by @drandrewb on February 3rd, 2021 invoking Police action.

On the morning of February 5th, 2021 @drandrewb posted this tweet of a seemingly serene street with nary a racist transphobic bloodthirsty truck driver in sight.


This of course is not just any street. It is University Avenue in Toronto, specifically where Toronto General Hospital is located.

Images captured from Google Maps Street View.

Keep in mind the #COVIDGrifter doctors spent plenty of time reminding everyone it was now illegal to impede, obstruct or interfere with patient care.

But here is @drandrewb tweeting about how proud he was of a protest that had gathered by 12:49.

Okay maybe @drandrewb wasn’t actually near the protest and was only tweeting out a picture he had received of a crowd that gathered to support HCWs.

Okay but maybe he was just passing by and took a selfie with one of the protestors… but they weren’t impeding a hospital…

Welp, it looks like they are gathered right in front of the TGH entrance to the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre.

I’m sure nobody attending there would worry about being startled by a large crowd gathered out front.

Note Japan flag visible across the street from the door.

Okay so maybe the crowd wasn’t actually gathered on the property of the TGH because that would be irresponsible…

Who am I kidding? Of course they were! 🤦‍♂️

You can see the elevated position on which the protestors with the loud speaker are standing in the previous video.

It’s also visible just to the left of the entrance but was previously blocked by construction.

Thank you, Google Map Car.

But there is no possible way @drandrewb was standing up there and actively taking part. A professional medical practitioner in no way would have encouraged protestors to gather here in spite of Bill C-3…

Wrong again. There he is! 🤦‍♂️

Oh, Andrew. You are such a #COVIDGrifter.

I wonder what the @UHN and @KevinSmithUHN think about this kind of behaviour by @drandrewb.

Maybe this was sanctioned.

And maybe that entire crowd was composed of HCWs? 🤔

I’m sure the NoOze media asked a lot of questions.

Here is Toronto City Councillor @joe_cressy providing yet another picture of @drandrewb as part of the crowd blocking an entrance to the Toronto General Hospital.

It was only a few days ago that @joe_cressy tweeted this out.

It must be nice to have the moral fluidity to selectively pick and choose which protests are more righteous and approved of.


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