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Christian | Aston Villa | Politics | Patriot - in that order!

Feb 7, 2022, 7 tweets

1. The total collapse of the Zim economy is a true reflection of its leadership.Tired and old.The old cabal has run out of ideas, they don't know what to do.They have been in gvt for so long, they now think they own the country. For 40 yrs we trusted them with the national cake..

2. They diced and sliced the national cake among themselves.Grabbing farms, mines, gvt contracts and lining their pockets.The corruption in the ED gvt stinks to the high heavens. It's a total failure when even the 1st lady & his kids are dipping their hands in national cookie jar

3. ZANUPF gvt is characterised by patronage, control of security sector and capture of the judiciary. ED thinks he is such a skilled political manipulator who can urinate on people's heads and they will still vote him back in. He thinks he is invincible & will win again in 2023..

4. Those around ED are not telling him the truth. He is on borrowed time. People are tired of his failed policies. Civil servants are now the butt of jokes around the country. Farmers are struggling. Mining sector is corrupted. ED controls the oil industry and its a mess...

5. The time has come to usher in a new and fresh leadership. A leader with a great vision. A leader with no blood on his hands. Zimbabwe desperately need a leader who can unite the nation and inspire hope in our young & old. And that person is NELSON CHAMISA.

6. Chamisa has always been loyal to the change agenda. He has stood the test of time. Many wavered but he didn't. The late great democrat Tsvangirai, trusted this young man and placed a great responsibility on his shoulders. Tsvangirai knew, Tsvangirai saw something in Chamisa.

7. I urge everyone citizen to go and register to vote. If you are registered already please encourage your kith and kin to register to vote. This time we want to overwhelm the ZANUPF rigging machine with huge numbers that can't be manipulated. #CCC #NgaapindeHakeMukomana

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