Craig Scarborough Profile picture
Everything technical in Motorsport.

Feb 7, 2022, 5 tweets

Nearing the last of the #F12022 regs to cover: Brakes.
Its really only the discs and ducts that have new rules, altho everything else will have to change to suit; pedal, master cylinder, caliper, brake by wire system.
- None of the brakes are spec parts

The discs have grown from 280mm dia to 320mm, but still 32mm thick. Despite being larger they do not fill the 18" wheels. The cooling holes must 3mm dia, so less holes can be made.

Larger discs run cooler and will produce more torque.
But, the cars are heavier & faster on the straights.
So, its arguable if there'll be any noticable change in braking performance

Teams cool the brakes with a scoop and drum set up. Up until last year some of the brake heat was directed out of the duct to warm the front tyres, the rest exiting out through the wheel

In 22 the disc is well away from the wheel, also the drum is larger. This is because all braking air in & out must exit via the inside of the wheel. Hot air out must go through the rear facing side of the scoop. This will reduce heat transfer into the wheel & is far less tunable

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