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Feb 7, 2022, 7 tweets

A Canadian court granted an interim injunction against anti-vaccine protesters who have been occupying downtown Ottawa. The 10-day injunction aims to stop people from honking horns as part of a class action launched on behalf of residents 1/7

Meanwhile, police in Canada's capital seized thousands of liters of fuel and removed an oil tanker as part of a crackdown to end an 11-day protest against federal-health measures and vaccine mandates, police said 2/7

The 'Freedom Convoy,' consisting largely of truckers, began as a movement against a Canadian vaccine requirement for cross-border drivers, and has since evolved into a rallying point against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's strict pandemic measures 3/7

Ottawa awoke to its second week of what its political and policing leaders now describe as a siege, with the Ottawa Police Chief saying the occupation has gone beyond anything he can adequately deal with 4/7

Over the weekend, thousands of people demonstrated in other Canadian cities, including Toronto, as the protests against vaccine mandates spread from the capital 5/7

On Sunday Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency to help deal with an unprecedented occupation that has shut down much of the core of the Canadian capital 6/7

South of the border, some U.S. Republicans vowed to investigate GoFundMe's decision to take down a page accepting donations for the protesting truck drivers in Canada, after police said the blockade has relied partly on funding from U.S. sympathizers 7/7

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